
 First I we make the groups and introduced them the app, picked the free modality and started to see the functionality of the web. They already knew how to use this kind of app since most of them are used to work with it, so my point here was to make sure every member of the team was involve in the task. Then I presented the topic they have to work with, in this case a country where English is spoken as an official language, discarding the big countries such as the USA, the UK, Canada and so on. Here, they divided the task: one looked for general information about the country, other about famous people, the other finding pictures...My help here consisted in simplify the language used to make them comprehensible for them and for the audience. They worked at home too, because of the bad condition of school laptops and they showed me the progress made. Here, they told me about some problems because sometimes they did the same work and did not progress as they wanted to. After a few sessions they showed me their final result and I made small changes mostly about language and the structure of the project. Once finished, they practiced the oral presentation until they got their best. Finally they displayed the project in class. 

They have shown me how easy is for them to work with these tools. They learn really fast to manage all the features and they know where to look for interesting information and discarding what is not relevant. They tend to use long sentences just as they find on internet and I have had to make them realize about the need of understanding what they are writing or pasting in some cases by summarizing the most important information and making easier and more understandable for everyone. 

The goals I set primarily were, first the correct use of the language. Then the making of the project itself. The ability to work in group. The capacity of analyzing information and discarding what is not relevant. Working on oral display. Change the routine with realistic tasks. I found the making of the project very interesting for me as a teacher, because kids show really enthusiastic about this way of working. They feel free in timing and discharged of grammar and linguistic rules. They learn in a very native context with real language. The big problem in the project was the bad condition of computer equipment that slowed down the pace of the task.


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